Terms and Conditions

Cab Booking and Confirmation

The bookings made from your end largely depend on the availability of the maxi cabs. In case you need instant confirmation of the reservations, you can contact us directly to know the status of your bookings.

For general pre-bookings made online, you will be timely intimated regarding your bookings. The emails will contain the details of your booking and the expected pickup time, if any.

Additional Passengers, Luggage, Additional Drop Offs and Pickups

The passengers head count must be advised in advance. Any change in number of passenger or luggage must be at least 2 hrs. prior to the travel time.

Additional charges may apply according to the change.

For fixed price booking additional charges may apply for additional pickup and drop-off.

Festival Bookings

There may be additional charge for special occasions like Christmas and New Year day.

Vehicle Size

We suggest to choose your vehicle appropriately before confirming the ride. We don't take any responsibility if wrong vehicle type is chosen for the transportation. Hence causing any delays/ missed commitments.

Payment Methods

  • You can pay the charges in cash to the driver at the time of transfer.
  • Payment can also be made with credit, debit cards and PayPal at the time of bookings.

Airport Pickups and Flight Delays

For the airport transfers, you will be greeted at the airport by our driver at the time of your arrival. You will have to specify the time of the flight and other related information for smooth communication.

The passengers will have to pay the airport toll during their airport transfer.

We don't believe in charging waiting time to the customer; hence we keep a track of the flight status and adjust the booking time accordingly.

Waiting charges may be applicable 1 Hrs. for International and 30 Minutes for Domestic after their landing time.

No Show Charges

If the passengers fail to meet the driver at the pickup on the specified time at the mentioned destination, be it an airport transfer, cruise transfer, hotel, or private pickups, no show charges will be applicable.

If you are unable to locate the driver, it is your responsibility to contact us for the same for smooth coordination. In case you have not contacted us for any alternate mode, you are liable to pay no show charges.

If you have made the bookings online and made the payment in full, you will not be refunded. Also, if the payment is not made and the account id secured by a debit or credit card, deductions will be made accordingly.

Cancellation and Refunds

Any cancellation or changes must be advised at least 3 hours prior to the booking time, or we reserve the rights to keep the deposits or charge any cancellation fee.

The refunds on your maxi cabs bookings through Express Maxi will be made on the following occasions:

  • If the cancellation is made with a 12-hour prior notice.
  • Refund will be processed after deduction of admin charges i.e. $15 or 15% of the amount, whichever is greater.
  • In case of missed flights, if the passengers responsibly inform us for the same. For the pre-paid journey, the refund will be processed after the deduction of admin charges.
  • For refunds to the international bank accounts, the deduction will be made on the actual amount paid.

Refunds will not be processed in the following cased:

  • If the cancellation is notified less than 12-hours.
  • If the transfer is booked for the wrong date, wrong flight, or any other irrelevant information.
  • If the passenger leaves the pickup point without any information.

Toll Charges

  • Toll charges can be charged on top of quoted prices.

Waiting Time Surcharge

  • A waiting time of $1.50 per minute can be charged as per the driver discretion.

Credit Card Payment Surcharge

  • Payments by Debit/Credit may incur a surcharge of 4.4%.


© 2024. Express Maxi, All Rights Reserved.

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